Meet the Spirit of Farnham, let her introduce you to the layers of decay, from the dawn of time to the present day, which have built up Farnham town.

Start by listening to Do Not Walk Alone. 

And then look at the F for Farnham map, choose the location and story which resonates with you most and press play on your smartphone.

Notice the fabric of Farnham, how it feels under foot or as you place your hands on the bricks of the buildings you come across.

Take a deep breath

And listen

Let the voices from the past infiltrate your present.

Here in Farnham, you do not walk alone.

Guided Walks
Join us at Farnham Castle on March 9th 2023 for some guided walks with the F for Farnham team.

Meet the Spirit of Farnham

Location 1: University for the Creative Arts 

Start your journey at the University, let the fabric of Farnham introduce you to the layers of decay which have built up this town and consider the resonances trapped within the bricks and under the cobbles.
At the end of this story, take a right down Falkner Road and then turn left and walk down Potters Gate, cross over West Street and find the museum.

Voiced by Sophie Austin. Sound design by Gabriel Nejah

Listen to the ghost of Eva who still plays on the stairs.

Location 2: Museum of Farnham

Walk down Bishops Mead next to the museum, formerly the Wilmar School for Girls.
Run your hands over the old graffiti and hear from a pupil who still plays on the stairs.

At the end of the story turn right and walk along West Street to the alleyway next to the Bishop’s Table.

Voiced by Katie Paul. Sound design by Gabriel Nejah

listen to another voice who sought sanctuary in Farnham

Location 3: The Bishops table

Shelter in the alleyway and listen to another voice who sought sanctuary on this spot over two hundred years ago.

At the end of the story turn right back on to West Street and then turn right down Church Passage and walk into the graveyard.

Voiced by Jimmy Pallagrosi. Sound Design by Gabrial Nejah

Hear ancient whispers in a tale about Second World War bombs falling and time slipping.

Location 4: St Andrew's Church

Enter the graveyard and look up at the tower. Hear ancient whispers in a tale about bombs falling and time slipping.

At the end of the story exit the churchyard on Upper Church Lane, turn left on to Downing Street, turn left on to West Street and mindfully cross over, and walk into the Lion and Lamb Yard.

Voiced by James Taylor-Meme. Sound design by Sam Cook

Listen to the ghost of the sad woman who will share her terrible truth

Location 5: Lion & Lamb Yard

Wait near the old water pump in the Lion and Lamb yard for the sad woman who will share the terrible truth about a fatally tangled love triangle.

At the end of this story walk up towards Lion and Lamb Way, turn right on to Long Garden Walk and stop at the Hop Blossom.

Voiced by Felicity Hayles. Sound Design by Sam Cook.

Get transported to an ancient coming of age ritual carried out in 1720

Location 6: The Hop Blossom

Stand outside the Hop Blossom and get taken back to an ancient ritual when this land was covered with hop gardens.

Don’t forget to duck.

At the end of this story carry on along Long Garden Walk and carefully cross over Castle Street and go down the alleyway towards Zizzi’s.

Voiced by William Browne. Sung by Tommy Bassom, Calum Campbell, Matt Gibsons and Adam Thomas. Sound design by Sam Cook. 

A ghostly performance from Farnham’s oldest actor.

Location 7: Castle Street (Zizzi's)

Slip down the alleyway and look towards the blue wooden barn for a ghostly performance from Farnham’s oldest actor.

At the end of this story, turn left onto Castle Street then left on to the borough and carefully cross the road when you get to the Bush Hotel.

Voiced by Fraser Adams. Sound Design by Gabriel Nejah. 

Listen to a murderous tale of bitterness and resentment from 1797

Location 8: The Bush Hotel

Listen in the courtyard to a murderous tale of bitterness and resentment that still resonates within the walls of one particular room.

At the end of this story, leave the courtyard and turn left onto The Borough, walk until you come to Borelli’s Yard.

Voiced by Elle Hudson. Sound design by James Wright.

listen to the ghost of the watchmaker who died in 1950

Location 9: Borelli's Yard

Stand under the Indian Bean tree where a watchmaker watches you and consider what you will leave behind after you have gone.

There’s one more story after this one, you can choose to listen to it in the quiet surrounds of Gostrey Meadow, which is through the car park, and on the corner of Downing Street and Long Bridge. Or listen elsewhere, she’ll find you wherever you are.

Voiced by Ian Wilson-Soppit. Sound design by Atlas Davis. 

She’s finally caught up with you, have you got time for one more story?

Location 10: The Borough

Your journey has come to an end, but have you got time for one more story? She’s been trying to catch up with you all this time, listen anywhere, she will find you…

Voiced by Sara Wilson-Soppit. Sound Design by Ellie Holliday.